
Local group coordinator (m/f/d)

We are the Corona Hilfswerk! Our aim is the organisation of the Corona neighbourhood help centres throughout Germany. We support aid groups in bringing together helpers and people seeking help and we provide them with our functioning infrastructure. Because: organised help is faster and better than an uncoordinated multitude of individual offers of help. This is where your help is needed: As local group coordinator (m/f/d) you are responsible for networking and information exchange with the local groups throughout Germany.

How you can helpGermany in the Corona crisis

●       You research information, you collectthem and pass them on to local groups

●       You actively get in touch with thelocal groups and maintain the exchange

●       You develop a functioningcommunication structure

Your Qualifications

●       You are a good listener and goodcommunicator

●       You are structured and organized

●       You quickly recognize connections andcan present them in an understandable way

●       You enjoy getting to know newstructures and people

●       You like to research and collect theimportant information

What we offer you

●       Germany needs you! Be part of a hugesolidary community!

●       Good conscience, karma, sense – takeyour pick!

●       Knock yourself out – we are agile,fast and we all want the same

●       We provide technical structures, trainingmaterials, agile tools

Wir haben Dein Interesse geweckt?

Dann sende uns eine kurze E-Mail an [email protected]
Schicke uns:

  • Deine letzte Bewerbung (dann geht’s schneller) mit Lebenslauf!
  • Deine Kontaktdaten
  • Ab wann Du anfangen kannst
  • Wie viele Stunden Du helfen kannst

Bereits jetzt danken wir Dir für Dein Engagement!